F. Anderson,
historian; author of The Davy Crockett Craze, H & G, 1996; editor
Persistence of Vision, Preserving Walt Disney's Creative Legacy;
letter 5/6/98
N.D.D., A.T.D (Dist), Cert R.A.S. (HONS), ADF (Manc); international
artist-activist; Visiting Chair, Department of Art, University of
California, Davis; letter 5/1/98
Edward F. Brennan, President and CEO,
Seattle Fur Exchange; letter 5/7/98
Paul W. Chattey
Colleen Dewley and the Cascade District
community activists
Paul Dorpat, Seattle archivist, historian,
publisher and author; letter 5/10/98
Eric Galatas, film-maker, producer
of Citizen Vagrom video magazine
Donald Garnel, author, The Rise of
Teamster Power in the West, University of California Berkeley Press,
1972; "Teamsters and Highway Truckers in the West", Ph.D. dissertation,
University of California Department of Economics, San Jose State
University, 1967; letter 6/5/98
Pauline Harris, for partial research
on Pacific Laundryman 1914-1916
Tom Johnson, former President, Alaska-Arctic
Fur company; son of former Seattle Empire building owner Otto Johnson;
letter 6/24/98
Ron Judd, Executive Secretary, King
County Labor Council AFL-CIO (letter 6/17/98)
Travis Keeler, Overall Laundry, Seattle;
telephone interview
L. Koler of Koler & Fitzsimmons. P.S.
Nick Licata, Seattle City Councilmember;
letter 5/11/98
John M. McLaughlin, CEO, McLaughlin
Development, Boston, MA. (1950-2000)
Dave Marsh, best-selling author, pop
cultural historian, publisher; letter 4/20/98
Jon Rabine, then President, Joint Council
of Teamsters #28; letter 6/19/1998
Jeff Roth, researcher, The New York
Ross K. Rieder, Chairman, Pacific Northwest
Labor History Association; letter 5/18/98
Sarah Ryan, labor historian, Evergreen
College; Trustee, Greater Seattle Postal Workers Union; letter 5/7/98
Anthony St. James, Anthony St. James
Photography, Los Angeles, CA
Bonney-Watson Funeral Home, Seattle
architect, for information about the bricks
Robert Vogel, Washington, D.C.
Helena Wright, Washington, D.C.
And all those artist residents of 66 Bell who contributed or allowed
photography in their spaces, especially
Janice Nyman, Gabriel
Stewart, Cassandria Blackmore, Jon
Dombrowski, Conan Gale and Mr.
& Mrs. Garrett Cobarr
With special thanks to the historian Gavin Stamp