Soon he was the featured soloist and emcee for their spinoff organization, the San Francisco-based Ice Cycles. Harding appeared regularly on national radio shows, toured the world with orchestras - even cut records and played on Broadway.
After a World War II career of maritime service and concerts, Harding moved to California.But
he returned frequently to visit his parents and his two Seattle-based
sisters, occasions almost always highlighted
in the press. On these visits, he appeared at many charity benefits
and Ira Harding gave receptions in his honor.
S. Harding was a versatile architect who built functional family
dwellings as well as a power laundry. But his most memorable
buildings in Seattle are industrial structures, three of which still
survive today. In
an ironic parallel to his son's artistic career, at one point all
of Ira's surviving buildings were used for artists' housing. By 2000, however,
this was no longer the case - the only Harding building serving
artists was 1513 12th Ave, or the "Coho Building". Both
his Seattle Empire Laundry and 2318 Western ("81 Vine St")
have been substantially altered.